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tv   Bay Area Focus With Susan Sikora  CW  January 27, 2013 8:00am-8:30am PST

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what will it take to end gun violence in america? omega boy's club weighs in, and
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a sneak look at what moad has in store for black historymont and choreographer robert moses with the message and meaning of moment. and news you can use. all next on black renaissance.
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good morning i'm your host dr. brenda wade. weeks ago, 20 children and six adults were gunned down at an elementary school in
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connecticut. before, that the aurora theatre shooting. the columbine high school massacre. answering president obama's call, what can we as citizens do to stop the senseless violence? the last 26 years, dr. joe marshal and the omega boys club street soldiers has made it their mission to keep people alive. gun violence is the number one killer of young people. did you know that? omega boys shrub has become the national model for programs across the country and here to give us his take on how we can end gun violence in america is founder and executive director of the omega boys club street soldiers, dr. joe marshal. welcome back, joe. >> uh. >> great to have you back. >> thank you. thank you. >> you said at the white house talking about this issue. >> yeah. >> and getting your arms around it. why? >> why do we have this issue in america? >> well, basically, you have it because people feel hey need --
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feel they need to settle their problems with violence we have a culture of violence here for a long time and exists in the inner city, it exists in the suburb and in rural areas, you know. guns are prevalent. >> uh-huh. >> people feel that when something comes up, you know, violence is the way to settle the issue and the gun is the weapon of choice. and that is -- when you have visits like aurora and newtown, they jump to the headlines. if you do the work i do in the inner cities of the country, this has been going on a long time. >> yeah. >> chicago, particularly last year, and in oak lap last year. >> right. >> and that is bad also. >> and we're tacking about the gun violence in the uninner city, every day, we're losing young black youths. >> yeah, every day. >> and that is a significant problem. a headline when it's group of children, which is horrible. >> sure. >> when we add up the numbers,
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there are many more black youth, right? >> it's not a connest is. -- contest. >> unfortunately, we're winning that contest if there was one. >> yeah. >> joe, this is such a difficult issue. when you're conferring with the white house, what kinds of solutions are we looking to? there is the governmental legislative level and ordinary pokes -- phones like us? >> interesting. when i was back then, was part of joe biden's task force and was there, the last day, the week he was doing this and it was interesting to listen to them. i tried to point out that we're doing it different than we did with tobacco. >> right. >> and the willing came on the back end. with guns, we have tried to do the legislative piece first for people's attitudes. >> that's right. >> and i think i think they
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will have to take the approach. they're not ready for that and they said yeah, you know. >> what you're saying is so important: until we see it as the epidemic it is and from my perspective as a psychologist, i think what motivates people to hold on to guns and violence, people feel frightened and ensure. >> yes. >> and yet is the biggest epidemic in america, which is mental health issues. >> yeah. >> we have anxiety and depression, they trying to find a way to be safe. >> and this is that whole range of reasons that people feel that, you know, they have to take it to the next level with violence and with a gun. the young people i work, they're basically wired to carry the gun and handle they have to carry it for protection and they would rather be caught with it than without it.
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>> right. >> and i have to change that in their mine. >> right. >> if i don't change the way they think, i don't have a chance. >> yeah. >> and that takessa, while, but i -- takes awhile, but i show it as a health risk. >> right. >> and young people come in knowledging that they're better off with it -- thinking they're better off with it. >> right. >> and they really think they at risk if they have a gun. >> that's right. >> and how do you get them to see that? >> -for-yo -- for downpeople, their brains are not complete -- for young people, the brains are not complete until they're 24. the capacity to see consequences is limited, how do you do it? >> this is an old-fashioned word but it's education and taking them to the step-by-step process and they basically programmed. they're told early, a lot of times in the home. and i have i have had instances where the parents have the gun.
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>> right judge and i have to deprogram the way of thinking. it takes time, they resistent. >> yeah. >> and my question, do you. to stay alive and free? this is not going to get you what you want. >> exactly. and one of the things everyone is talking about, of course s violence in the media and in video games to whatk tent do you see that -- what extent do you see that impacting you? >> that is in the pot. the media is part of it, and music for my kids is a big part of it. >> it is. >> and when you're listening to the lyrics. i listened to that. >> yeah. >> i know what kids are thinking. there is a group from chicago and a guy said i throw my money to the sky because heaven pays me and the next whole stanza is about violence. >> and a lot of artists, he's fulling -- fueling this. >> yeah. >> he's a wrap
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rapper and is able to go in and talk about this. and they live in the rappers and we have a problem here. we have done this with tobacco. >> yes. >> and from is a huge industry behind it. >> and we have to stop you. >> yes. >> i can't let you go unless i let mean know that omega boy's club is based here in the san francisco bay area and they need your help. they need volunteers. they need money. dr. joe marshal can't do this unless you get his back, and he's talking to our youth, changing their minds, so where can they get a hold of you? what is the website? >> streetdancesoldiers -- street >> there it is right there. take a look. and there is a gun buyback
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program going on and call them. or log on to street- and do your part. there is a lot we can do as ordinary citizens, and we can line up behind you, dr. joe marshal. thank you for the work you do. >> you got it. >> stay strong. >> all right, everyone. stay there. we have so much more. ,,,,,,,,,,
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welcome back. the museum of the african desaper or moad as we findly love to call it, celebrates seven years of showcasing the history, the art, the cultural richness resulting from the dispersal of african people throughout the world and here to tell us what they have planned, we welcome back the executive director, great stinislaus. >> thank you for having me. >> a pleasure to be here. >> i love moad. anyone who hap been there, you are missing a treat. >> reporter: agree. >> and it's much is years now. >> we are the youngest museum. and what i describe as the constellation of stellar museums in downtown san francisco.
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and that means for us, hoff issue we have a lot of institutions around us that we can partner with. >> uh. >> and collaborate with. i am excited by what moad has been able to achieve in a short time. and there is so many wonderful programs that by present in an ongoing basis. when we talk about black history issue we talk about the black history year at moad. >> i love that. >> and that is in a month. >> what do you have planned? i want people to run and not walk to moad. >> reporter: love your spirit, i do. >> and what is coming up is a important one. and they out in history and it's open on february 8th. >> where art and history inter60. >> i know that is going to be interesting. >> and that results until may 19th. >> uh. >> what is important is the kinsies, over the course of the
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40-year marm, they have been collecting the -- marriage, they have been collecting. >> we have photos? >> yes. >> and light look. oh, wow. >> and this is the artist and called falling star. >> and -- . >> that is one of the great innovators. >> and some pre-emence in. >> he and jacob lawrence. >> and beardon. >> and i am partial to mr. lawrence. he was the artist and residence in my alma mater. who is this? >> this is huey schmidt. >> wow. >> and this is that typical style. >> beautiful. >> and an interesting landscape setting. good morneous. >> and this is an important -- gorgeous. >> and this is an important piece? >> yes. >> this is a recruitment poster for -- to join the -- the, to
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join the -- . >> the union army. >> right. thank you. >> yes. yes. >> and i said civil rights, you know what i meant. >> yes. >> and -- . >> this is lovely. >> what we have are 10 types and amber types. you are seeing a young girl and we don't have the photographer identified. >> isn't she lovely? >> yes, she is. >> and this is -- i never know? and this is the version, one of the early versions of the emancipation proclamation, the centerpiece of the collection and the exhibition. it was published in september of 1862. >> wow. >> and this is an amazing moment, given the 1 fiftyth anniversary of the emancipation proclamation that we have the document that is on display at moad until may. >> oh, my goodness, that gives me goose bumps to think about it. >> that is amazing.
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>> and this is extraordinary. you have the history and art. >> yes. >> and the culture. >> absolutely. >> represented. >> absolutely. >> and for people who haven't been, and i know there are a few out there who miss out on the street. >> uh. >> what is the most important thing you want them to take away? this is another piece this is a work that is portraits of the family. so you have bernard, shirley, and kalil in the background. >> hmm. >> and this represents the notion of education, education enrichment and this is a stellar piece and a component of the collection. >> this is beautiful. >> yes. this one is by, the artist is escaping me right now. i apologize. >> that is okay. it's lovely and looks like the ladies on the way to church. >> absolutely. >> and what it represents. >> oh. >> this is another -- .
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>> and they're going to be a lot of 10 types in this collection. this shows a cow, a blackcom and what it shows is a well to do couple. >> and that is not an inexpensive dress she wearing. >> no. >> the collection ranges from visual art to historical documents. to artifacts and really, what it show is the empassioned collecting of the couple. and what it shows are how important it is to that we, within our community, appreciate and collect and preserve for this and future generations. >> yes. >> these objects. >> and this is preserving the history, preserving parts of the culture. >> yes. >> the object's represent something. >> yes. >> and that is very emotional. >> for me. >> yes. >> and i am looking at the pieces. >> absolutely. >> i am having a emotional response of excitement and curiousity. >> well, you know, when you ask about what makes yet. >> yes. >> what is special of the
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museum. it represents the check and exhibitions look this and this is one in our collector's seer. >> uh. >> and a part of what we doing is to celebrate the idea of cultural patronage and preservation and the value that we find within our community. and that includes the historical documents, so we have letters that were written by dr. martin luther king. >> oh, my goodness. >> and -- . >> i love her. >> so do i. >> we have in the collection, a first edition of poedges by sweetly and -- poems by sweetly. >> uh. >> and this is a part of what we do sat moad, we're the venue forention and -- vacation and cultural en-- for vocation and cultural enrichment and talk about when did you discover you were african? we share a common humanity and anest isery. >> yes, because the -- ancestry. the african people were the original on the planet.
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>> absolutely. >> everyone's dna goes back to the continent of africa. >> yes. and we want everyone to see moad as a venue for their cultural and enrichment, the important issues are debated. >> and there is something important. i need to say this about art. >> yes. >> and, you know, the great philosopher, rudolphsteiner said that creativity was the window to the soul. >> indeed,. >> and it really does reach in and touch the soul. for our young people. >> uh. >> i have to make this plug. not every child is a person with the brain capacity to do mathematics or science. >> uh-huh. >> many of us have brain capacity that is different. >> uh-huh. >> our capacity could be verbal and could be artistic. >> yes. >> everyone has a gift. >> absolutely. >> and i think with moad, it's a way that our young people can begin to look at the range of gifts. >> uh. >> that people have. >> and we nurture there and cultivate that.
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we have programs geared to yo people and we see our role as. >> i have to stop you. >> okay. >> know you have to run and i want everyone, i want you to know that you must visit moad. what an extraordinary experience. it's a place you will find so much enrichment and enlightenment. the museum of african, 685 mission street here in san francisco. call them at 4153587200 or log on to triple they need help. go visit, enjoy. state stay right there. we have more for you. >> thank you search.
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welcome back. tonight is the last chance to catch the world premiere of coriara -- choreographer extraordinaire genius, exploring critical change in america's liberation movements. take a look.
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since founding the ken dance company in 1995, robert moses created over 65 works, including ballets for cincinnati, oakland ballet. he's performed with tony productions, a favorite lecture at stanford. the master teacher at uc berkeley and joins us this morning. welcome, robert. it's great to you have back. >> and i am glad to be here. >> you do the most creative and innovative things. >> the piece is entitled never be a world of peace and that is focused on critical moments in liberation struggles or struggles of revolution and
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some personal moments in the struggles and how we stand up as individuals. >> how we stand up in moments of liberation. give an example. >> moments of change. >> okay. >> i think we have seen a lot of that over the last few years. you think about the occupy me. and about what is happening now and as you said earlier in your early segment on gun control. >> yes. >> and that is the fighting against the prevailing idea. >> right. >> or the idea's changing. what happened in the struggles, it's the individual that makes the difference. >> yes. >> and that is what we're focused on. >> and that is an individual, and i think it was gandhi who said -- . >> uh-huh. >> -- an ordinary person is capable of doing something extraordinary. seems as that is where you're headed with it. >> i think if ordinary people do the ordinary thing and take care of each other and move each other forward, we will get there. >> robert, how i wish it was ordinary for us to take care of each other. i was having a conversation a
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week ago withny chavez, cesar chavez's grandson. he said what he learned from his grandpa is we belong to one another and if we would take care of each other. >> and that is what it is. we belong to each other and we belong with each other. there are all kinds of things that separate us and so the piece itself is not about a particular movement but about our movement. >> m. >> and to -- . >> in a way it's a call to each person to let that -- call it the evolved self and wrote a book called power choices. we can make it at any point in time and that is to be an innovator and that person. >> yes. >> and this whole chapter in the book is about ordinary people saying, like rosa parks saying i'm not getting up today. i'm tired and that is ordinary people taking a stand. >> yes.
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>> and it's about people. >> you're doing there in a dance piece with your amazing core youngrafy. >> with a number of a -- core youngrafy. >> and i am doing it with two coordinated geniuses. we have two certified geniuses working on this and corey harris, an amazing blues musician. worked with martin scorsese. >> yes. >> amazing and the other mcarthur award winner, the great award in new york theatre. >> yes. >> and laura love. >> so you have an extraordinary group of people who are all geniusus, huge collaborators? >> yes. >> the peace is playing where and when? >> it's playing at the center of the arts. >> okay. >> lamb theatre and used to be novilleas. >> and tonight's the last night to catch it. everyone, run, don't walk and get down there. >> and yes, that is at 8 club tonight. >> what is next for you?
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you never stop. we have never be a world of piece against each of us, awakening to our example. >> and to coop pushing to find something new and different, find something genuine for myself. i waited awhile. can you see the gray hair. >> that is all right. >> and we're going to stop there. everybody, i want you to get down there to the squisha buena center for the arts. check out the information on the screen for more. there it is, tonight, january 27th, 8:00 p.m. the squisha buena center for the arts. go -- the yerba buena center for the arts. and are you ready for some news you can use? president obama has made health and wellness for americans his number one initiative. in the words of michelle obama, get moving! every single day for at least 30 minutes a day, walk, run,
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move your arms, keep working. research shows people in motion at least 30 minutes to an hour a day can lose 10 pounds in just six weeks. if you want more simple tips that can you use right now, register for your healthiest life ever. it's a 75-minute class, free and my gift to you. i'll be joined by beautiful hall star nicole ari parker. the no diet life author, robert ferguson. you will learn more and register right now. go to my website. this is for all of our viewers. that is the website. we'll leave you now with more of robert moses can. i am dr. brenda wade,


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